What is Electoral Astrology?

Electoral Astrology is electing or choosing a day for an activity based on the energies around that day.

We have all heard the saying that timing is everything. I think that is true. As a kid I used to hear my mother and father fight in the mornings. My dad would tell my mom to please not ask him to discuss anything serious in the mornings. He was not a morning person and she was. She never listened and morning after morning they would fight. Evan as a kid, I wondered why she could not just find the right time to talk to him. That was my first lesson in divine right timing.

The energies of the planets and your personal energy can also help you to determine when is the right time for you to do something or get results from your efforts.

Examples of charts I have run:
I ask for a range of dates that the person is considering:
Best day to get married
Best day to have surgery
Best day to ask my girlfriend to marry me
Best day to take a test
Best day to win a race
Best day to close on the sale of my house
Best day to list my house
There are a number of ways to assess the energies on any particular day. I use several techniques.

The classic electoral chart is to take the person’s chart and run it for a particular day to see what is happening on that day or range of days. For surgery for example, the person would avoid any negative mars transits.

Another tool in my tool box is to run a program which takes into consideration what is happening in world (mundane astrology) as well as a person’s natal chart, his transits and his progressions. It all combines to give a number that you can use to determine if it is a relatively good time, a low energy time or an extremely high time.

Another technique that I use is the Robert Lee Camp Destiny cards which are based on an ancient Rosicrucian system. This system gives me the overall energies of the year and what has been more helpful is the energies of each day. I have used it consistently for over 10 years to help salespeople pick the best days for cold calling and calling past clients.

It only works if you put energy into the cards. For example, I personally have not been looking for a partner or a person to date. I can have the best love cards in the deck and nothing will happen because I am not putting energy into it.

I have clients in sales and when they have a positive money card, they either make money or get a new client if they have consistently been working towards that goal.

Another technique I look at for overall energy is biorhythms. If a person wants to start a new exercise program, if they start while their physical energy shows high, there is more of a likelihood of success. If Mars is well placed in their chart at that time, all the better!

If you would like to know a specific date to do an activity or in general when are the best times for you in love, work, etc, let me know and we can determine the best techniques to use for you so you can flow with divine right timing!

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