
Natal Astrology

A natal astrology reading is a personalized and in-depth exploration of an individual’s birth chart. It is an ancient practice that uses the position of the planets and stars at the exact time of an individual’s birth to gain insight into their personality, strengths, weaknesses, and life path.

During a natal astrology reading, an astrologer will analyze the placement of the planets in the individual’s birth chart, taking into account the sign, house, and aspects of each planet. The astrologer will also consider the individual’s rising sign and the overall shape of the chart, which can provide further clues about their personality and life journey.

General Predictions For One Year

Divine Right Timing

If the weather person predicts severed thunder showers, would you bop out to do some shopping that you really did not have to do? If you did, wouldn’t you take a rain coat and umbrella? Using astrology and other predictive techniques will not stop the showers but it will help you be prepared when they come and plan around them and plan for the days when the sun is shining. Using transits and progressions and solar arc charts your astrologer will tell you what your year might be like each month on a general level.

Horary Astrology

Do you have a specific question such as will I be happy with this person, will I get the job? A horary reading can answer the question. Rules for asking a question in Horary
  1. Avoid the word should. Use is it in my highest and best good or Will I …
  2. The time period is 3 months. Things can change over time. If it is going to occur in 6 months then the answer may change
  3. Do not ask the same question twice or you may get bad advice. Wait 3 months and ask again
  4. Do not ask when someone is going to die or if and about afterlife etc.


Wondering if he or she is “the one”.

Wondering what your relationship will be like with your child?

Trying to choose between 2 people to be your roommate?

Why does your boss hate you?

Relationships are complicated and have a lot of moving parts. Astrology can give you some insight way you get along or not with certain people and what tools you have to make it better.

Astrocartography and Relocation Astrology

If you were born in Dallas Texas instead of Seattle Washington, there is a difference in your chart based on where the planets fall in what houses and what the energies in each part of the chart. If you live where Saturn is on your 7th house cusp. You may find yourself working extra hard on relationships or married to a much older person. Partnerships will not be easy.

If you moved to a place where Saturn fell maybe in your 3rd house, relationships may flow a lot better with partners but not with siblings or you might have trouble with communications.

Discover Your Best Days

Wouldn’t it be nice if you knew what days when the energy would be good to make a sale, find someone promising online, throw a party, take a test, win a race?

I use two systems to give you advice on which days are best for you. These are based on a compilation of energy using an astrology program as well as the Destiny Cards.

I have followed this system for 10 years and find it to be very accurate for me and my other clients. It works when you set intention and take action toward that thing you want.

Lenormand Oracle Card Reading

I use the Leormand cards to answer specific questions. The deck consists of 36 cards each with its own unique symbol and meaning. For me personally I get a more accurate reading than I got in the past using the Tarot. Each card has a specific meaning and when combined with cards next to it, give a complete interpretation of the question.

Relocating Your Solar Return For Your Birthday

Every year on your birthday the sun returns to the position it was in when you were born. The difference is that all the other planets are in different locations and interacting with each other in difference ways in different parts of your chart. Your rising sign on the ascendent will be different.

By looking at the solar return for where you live now, I can help you determine if it is the optimum location or lot to ensure a year without too much negative energy. This is particularly important when you have difficult transits. You will still have the difficult energies but they will not have as deep of a psychological effect on you.


Is there anything that can be done when you are during challenging times?

I can suggest Bach Flower remedies, Nlp processes as well as other holistic remedies to get you through trying times. I do not do medical astrology and am not a doctor. I help with the emotions and how you can use your mental processing to help you get you through to brighter days.

Electional Astrology

Best day for an event

If you are looking for the best day for your wedding, surgery, date to propose, start a new job, give a party, I look at specific transits and progressions on that day for you as well as what is going on in mundane astrology (general location of planets for everyone). This method is called electional astrology.


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