Astrocartography and Relocation Astrology

If you were born in Dallas Texas instead of Seattle Washington, there is a difference in your chart based on where the planets fall in what houses and what the energies in each part of the chart. If you live where Saturn is on your 7th house cusp. You may find yourself working extra hard on relationships or married to a much older person. Partnerships may not be easy but hard work pays off.

If you moved to a place where Saturn fell maybe in your 3rd house, relationships may flow a lot better with partners but not with siblings or you might have trouble with communications.

Additionally we look at the planetary lines that move through that location. Having lived on a Pluto line for 6 months and almost died twice, I will forever avoid Pluto lines!

If you are looking to move, be a digital nomad, retire, or even just take a vacation, knowing what that location will be like for you can be useful.

Send me the locations you are considering and I will prepare a roadmap for what you might expect.

Price: $50 per location with a minimum of 3 locations for your first reading. For past clients there will be no minimum to add locations at a later date for further discussion. That fee is just $50/location.

New Client Reading

Past Client Reading


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[email protected]

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