
Wondering if he or she is “the one”.

Wondering what your relationship will be like with your child?

Trying to choose between 2 people to be your roommate?

Why does your boss hate you?

Relationships are complicated and have a lot of moving parts. Astrology can give you some insight into how you get along or not with certain people and what tools you have to make it better.

I use a chart comparison approach, Robert Lee Camp’s Destiny Cards and a composite chart to help you with whichever type of relationship you would like to discuss.

Price: $300 per relationship. You will receive your chart, your significant other’s chart and the composite chart as well as detailed analysis in our one on one reading over zoom.

For a quick glance using destiny cards and a quick comparison of pertinent planets, the fee is $50 for the chart and 15 minute zoom call. For a new relationship this may be all you need to know to know if you should go forward or not.

What I need: your birthdate, time, city and the other persons if you have it. Destiny cards can be read with birthday only if you do not have the other information. If you want an astrology compatibility you will need a minimum of birth month, day and year. Time is preferred but we can still tell a lot with exact birthdate.

Full Relationship Reading

Quick Glance Reading

Relationship Astrology


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[email protected]

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