Fate and Free Will

I think most people who have an astrology reading or go to a psychic think about how much is being said is fate.  The psychic says I will marry 3 times this lifetime.  Is that fate, do I have to?  The astrologer says I will have some challenging energies around relationships happening when Pluto crosses into my 7th house and squares my Sun at the same time.  Is that destiny? Can I change it.  Does it have to be bad? Many people do not believe in astrology.  The reason they do not believe in it is because they have not studied it enough to understand it.  It also could be because they want to believe in 100% free will. It is scary as hell to think you do not have 100% control over your fate. 

I have put together ideas based on a lot of metaphysical reading and lectures over 40 years.  One of the biggest influencers was Robert Scheinfeld who is not an astrologer but his explanation of what happens in life makes the most sense to me. Whether you agree with the concept or not, it is a good place to start your thinking about how much control we really have and how astrology fits into the picture.  Here is Robert’s abbreviated version. 

We come into this life with a movie script.  We are the main character and we have minor characters and maybe a partner that is very involved in our script.  You are a minor character in all these other’s scripts.  It is all interconnected and while our logical conscious mind cannot fathom how it could all work, it does.   The movie Vantage Point from 2008 with Dennis Quaid best describes this philosophy of interconnectedness. 

I believe that your astrology chart is the script.  It outlines your character’s character traits and your strengths and weaknesses. As time goes on the transits of the planets and the progressions of the chart give you the action in the script.

Where the free will happens is how you choose to react to the chart and the stuff life throws at you.  The actions you took 3 years ago when you chose that career will influence what happens when you have a challenging aspect to your career house.  How you react today to that challenge will have a big effect too.  You have a choice in how you respond to the events. That is your free will.  

Some movie scripts give you a lot of leeway in how you play the part. Some scripts do not.  Some things are in stone and some things are not.  You may come in with a drama script and you wish it was a romantic comedy.

Two people are born on the same day in the same hospital but their lives turn out very different.  The planets are in the same places.  It is the soul’s choice to decide where to focus.  I also feel that the soul picked the parents or lack thereof that would thrust him/her into a world that will take the astrology chart and combine it with the influence of the parents and time in history and place on the planet to come to reach that soul’s purpose or goals for this lifetime.  

Maybe it is karma, maybe it is just the soul’s curiosity.  I do not know.  You may ask yourself, what the hell was I thinking picking this chart or these parents? 

An example is a friend who has her sun exactly square her ascendant.  Her south node is in Leo in the first house.  Sun square ascendant has played out in this life as low self-esteem.  It is something she has worked hard on and has overcome.  Could she have to chosen that low self esteem because in a past life that Leo south node in the first house is an indicator of someone who was very self-centered and possibly egotistical?  I think so.  If you do not believe in past lives, the south node also can represent how you were early this lifetime.  Was she self centered?  Yes, she was a first born adorably cute girl who was the apple of her mom’s eye. But rejection from her Dad and his poverty programming lead to low self esteem.

So the question is, how can I get more control of my life when the chart is not what I would prefer.

Another metaphysical concept is that you have a higher self.  This part of you is not the ego part that does the day to day activity and not your subconscious mind that handles the automatic bodily functions and other automatic responses.  

As you connect with your higher self, you will have a different view of what is happening.  As ego is diminished, you will see things differently.  It is a form of detachment. This part of you knows the big picture and is not tied to the emotions.  

Robert Scheinfeld held his hand over his head and a little bit to the rear.  It was a way of shifting focus to the higher self and away from ego. That may work for you.  You can also go into meditation and create a part which represents your higher self or a guide and ask for guidance there.  

There are other techniques that help you to detach from the intense emotions of the time and look at the situation from a third-party perspective.  Hypnosis and neuro-linguistic programing techniques are two examples.

What does this Pluto energy I spoke of earlier want?  What needs drastic change that I have been ignoring?  The more I have not been operating from my higher self, the more severe the change will be and the possible reaction.

I know a man who had Pluto square his sun. The energy suggested that he could have events happen that could challenge his personal sense of self and his ego.  It was happening from his 7th house of relationships.   His wife left him, he lost his business and he got spinal meningitis.  The business had been failing for awhile and was not the highest use of his talents.  His wife had not slept with him for 2 years.  She used every excuse not to be home.  A part of him should have been ready.  He is now married to a person who is a much better match for his personality, values and goals and in a job making more money better suited to his skills.

All of these things had been in the pipeline.  If he had faced what was not working in his life and let go of the control, did what he could and when it was obvious that it was not working, let go, he would have had an easier time and probably would not have gotten sick.

Back to the question.  Was that fate or free will?  Could it have turned out differently?  If he had used his free will differently, maybe it could have changed the energies, but I think it was in his movie script as well as that of his son and his now ex-wife as well as his new wife’s. He might not have been able to change the final outcome but he could have not had as much emotional angst. 

Another example that is not as dramatic.  A woman has mars transiting her first house, progressed moon moving into it and into Leo and transiting Pluto opposed the ascendant.  She goes to her regular doctor’s checkup and sees a brochure for a Ozempic drug.  Without thinking it through, she signs up and starts an expensive treatment to lose weight.  First house changes.  

She later said she did not know why she made the decision so fast and why she is now so set on loosing 25 pounds.  She looks fine as she is even though she would look better without the extra weight. Her first house energy was activated and it was wanting change.  She has free will and can decide to stay on the drug or not.  She could decide instead to change her hair color.  She had free will to use the energy to focus her attention on her body in many ways.  What was fate was that her focus might be on her body in some way during that time period. Her free will is what to do with the energy.

Another way you can execute free will is to make a decision of what you want.  You can ask your higher self, God, or your angels for what you want.  Robert in his first book suggested you ask the director of your movie.  You can use the law of attraction and many other manifestation techniques.  

The efficiency of these techniques is correlated to how clear you are and consistent and what actions you take.  If the thing you want is not in your script, you may not get it or you may be able to use your will to change your script somewhat.  Most likely if you force it, you will not be happy and life will not be easy or flow.

The more in alignment you are with your chart, the more you will use the powers of the law of attraction to attract what vibrates right for your chart.  If your chart shows no ability whatsoever to act but you want to be a movie star because you have a big ego.  You want the attention and money and everyone else you know wants to be a movie star. You will never be a successful movie star if you have no talent for acting.  You are better off to take your actions and put them where you can get a return on your investment of energy based on the skills and parts given to you in your chart/movie script. Perhaps if you let go enough and know yourself enough, you will realize that being a makeup artist or a light technician is really more in your skill set.

This is a complex subject and very tied to your spiritual beliefs.  I hope this article has made you think about what your beliefs are and how you can live your best life.

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