Relocating for your solar return

First of all you may be asking what is a solar return?  This is the time of year typically on your birthday when the sun comes back to the exact position it was when you were born.  

This time of year has a lot of energy for you.  A solar return chart is run for the location where you spend your birthday for the time that you were born.  For example, you were born on Oct 1, 1983 in Dallas, Texas at 8:09 am.  You now live in Miami, Florida.  You would have a chart run for Miami, Florida, on Oct 1, 2023 8:09 am to find out what your new ascendant is and based on where the planets are that day and time and location, what houses they are in and what the aspects are.  This will give you the energies that will be in effect for Oct 2023-Oct 2024.

You cannot change the aspects in the sky.  You can change where they show up in the chart and therefore where the energy is focused.  When I first started on the journey 15 years ago of relocating myself when I could for my birthday, I focused on what my goals were and how I could place planets to help me with my goals.  If I wanted more romance in my life, I relocated to a place where Venus was in the 5th house. If I wanted to buy a house, I put sun in the 4th.    Sometimes it seemed to work and other times, it did not seem to make much difference.

The method I use now for myself and my clients is from a book by Ciro Discepolo, Transits and Solar Returns.  Ciro has been using this technique for many years and has had over 100,000 clients.  His concept is basically the same as described above, and in addition, he focuses on where to not have planets.  For example, it is best to not have the Sun in the 12th, 1st or 6th house.  After studying solar charts for many many years, he has concluded that no good comes of it.

Using his techniques does not guarantee that nothing “bad” will happen.  However, if something “bad” happens, the energy will be lessened.  He says that this is particularly important if you have stressful transits in your chart for the next year.

Ciro also stated that after studying charts from hundreds of thousands of clients , he concluded that statistically more people die within 20 days of their birthday.  Wow, that is a lot of energy during that time.  I went back over my life and found that many life changing events happened around my birthday.  Following his guidelines will not keep you from dying, but it can make the energies of the year less stressful.

The process is to determine what your solar return chart looks like for where you think you will be on your birthday and determine what the energy looks like.  If you do not like it, then select places you would not mind being on your birthday.  Some years you may have a wide selection. Some years you will not. 

For this year, I can be in several remote places in Texas or near Lisbon in Portugal.  I have not decided yet if it is Lisbon on Abilene Texas.  Obviously, Lisbon would be more fun.  It is going to depend on my budget and if I can take the time to go to Lisbon. I would need to take more days off to go to Lisbon because of travel time and adding days for flight delays.  Abilene is within a 2 ½ hour drive of where I live today.  I could leave the day before the return and come back the day after and just be gone 3 days.  If I spend the money and time to go to Lisbon, I will want to stay and enjoy my vacation for a longer period.

Other places I have relocated myself include Lisbon and Porto in Portugal; Iceland; Bar Harbor, Maine; Boston; Mendoza, Argentina and Hong Kong.  

One year the only place on the planet that fit Ciro’s formula was in New Zealand.  I did not have the money to go.  My business at the time was slow.  I had several hard aspects happening to me.  That year I almost went bankrupt, I lost several friends and a million dollar client, my mother died, my sister and I stopped speaking and a number of other not so great things happened.  As it turned out, my energy became so negative, I did not really like myself.  After a reading from a psychic telling me if I did not change, I would have a serious illness in a couple of years, I woke up.  I did everything I could to change my energy.  

Would it have been different if I had gone to New Zealand?  I do not know.  My mother would have still died.  Perhaps some of the other things that happened would not have happened because I would not have had so much toxic energy around me or maybe I would just have not been as negative and emotional.  I think I would have had the positive energy to deal with what life was handing me. 

That year taught me to relocate if at all possible.  

There is a lot of debate in the astrology world as to whether relocating yourself works.  I can only say from personal experience, experience of my own clients and Ciro’s experiences, it helps.  When we have particularly stressful energies occurring in our chart, my philosophy is that anything you can do will help!

This process can be time consuming for me, or it can be very easy.  It will depend on the year.  If you would like a chart, let me know where you think you will be or you want to be and we can work from there to determine how many places to check out. 

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